MAY Fund Drive!

Partner With Us!

The “G” in GEST is for Gemma. Michelle’s mother who passed April 17th, 2014. She was the piece that held her family together for so many years.

She was born May 18th. As she is such an inspiration, we wanted to initiate a Funding Drive in her honour to help those in need.

Donations over $111.00 get a free T-Shirt. After your donation you will receive a form to choose Black or White and what size!

Thank you for partnering with the GEST Foundation, INC!


The GEST Foundation, Inc., is an IRS approved 501 (c)(3) charity.

Money raised by the GEST Foundation goes directly out to those in the battle of cancer.

We rely and depend upon the generosity of our community for funding.

It takes a village! When you are batlling cancer, you need support, and without you we couldn’t do this!